Payment Information
Payment Information
The payment methods are:
COD (Cash on delivery)
Pay among delivery on your doorstep
Credit card
The management system of payments by credit is the most safe through our website
Pay by credit card (can be paid by credit, debit and prepaid cards MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Maestro) through the secure trading center of Alpha Bank eCommerce or WinBank by choosing your prefer on the checkout procedure.
Bank deposit
Bank accounts:
Alpha No. Acc. :773-002101-032234 IBAN: GR9601406000773002101032234
Eurobank No. Acc. :0026-0312-43-0100223139 IBAN: GR0802603120000430100223139
National Account No. : 490/622215-33 IBAN: GR360110490000049062221533
In the case of a deposit you must send proof by fax at 22710-41843 or via e-mail at Attention!
Should be written and Order Code